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VZK | Note from Directors
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May 2022

Dear Client / Geagte Kliënt


The Consequences of Living Together

Ons leef in ‘n tydperk waar paartjies al hoe meer dikwels besluit om, weens persoonlike redes of omstandighede, eerder saam te woon, as om die spreekwoordelike knoop deur te haak.  In die euforie van dié groot stap, word daar in bitter weinig van hierdie gevalle behoorlik gekyk na die sosiale-, sielkundige- of regsgevolge daarvan.  Vandeesmaand gee kollega Cheryl-Anne meer insig oor spesifiek die regsgevolge van so ‘n saambly-verhouding.

According to the 2016 Census approximately 3.2 million South Africans cohabit outside of marriage. Contrary to popular belief, just because you live together long enough as husband and wife, although you are not legally married, does not make you a common law husband and wife. You are also not deemed to be married. Our law has not developed fast enough to regulate these types of relationships.

There have been calls on Parliament to pass laws to regulate these types of relationships just as it did for married couples. Living together outside of marriage, having children together, sharing resources and supporting each other is said to create a different family unit worthy of protection. When this relationship comes to an end by death or separation there are financial and legal consequences which become relevant especially if it involves an inheritance, maintenance, a pension, or insurance. Through the years our Courts have stepped in to deal with these consequences.

In the Gory Case of 2007, the Constitutional Court held that same-sex life partners in a permanent relationship who had undertaken reciprocal duties of support, qualified as intestate heirs. This was a victory for same sex partners, but partners of the opposite sex in a similar permanent life partnership were still being excluded and could not inherit as intestate heirs, until recently. 

Inheritance: In terms of the Intestate Succession Act, if a person died without leaving a valid will and if survived by a spouse only, the surviving spouse will inherit the entire estate. Recently, in the Bwanya Case, the High Court declared that the definition of “spouse” in the Intestate Succession Act is unconstitutional and ordered that the definition must be interpreted to include “a partner in a permanent opposite sex life partnership in which the partners had undertaken reciprocal duties of support”. The Court held that a life partnership itself does not give rise to a reciprocal duty of support. The parties must also have agreed to support and maintain each other.

Maintenance: The definition of ‘spouse’ is also relevant to the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act, 1990 which makes provision for a surviving spouse in a marriage (civil or civil union) dissolved by death, to have a claim against the estate of the deceased spouse for reasonable maintenance until death or remarriage, subject to their own resources being inadequate. In the 2005 Volks v Robinson Case the Constitutional Court rejected the interpretation of the word ‘spouse’ to include an opposite sex life partner for purposes of a claim in terms of the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act. The Bwanya Case confirmed this which led to an appeal to the Constitutional Court in 2021. On appeal the Constitutional Court held in December 2021, amongst others, that the definition of “spouse” and “marriage” in the Maintenance of Surviving Spouse Act is to be read as though it includes “a permanent life partnership in which the partners undertook reciprocal duties of support”. The Constitutional Court also confirmed the High Court order regarding the unconstitutionality of the definition of “spouse” in the Intestate Succession Act. This means that permanent life partners who agreed, either contractually or tacitly, (from the facts) to support and maintain each other now qualify as intestate heirs and can claim maintenance from the estate of a deceased partner. The Court order has, however, been suspended for 18 months to give Parliament time to enact Legislation to remedy some Constitutional defects identified by the Court, failing which the Court’s order would come into effect.

This could create a situation where the choice of one partner not to formalize his/her relationship is completely ignored and where the relationship is regarded as a marriage with legal consequences. The Bwanya Case is also not without criticism.

Regards / Groete

Eberhard & Cheryl-Anne


Marriage in South Africa - Part 2: How does South African law apply to marriages in South Africa?

A brief overview in Four parts on a few legal aspects of the concept of Marriage in South Africa.

Part 1 focuses on the considerations in respect of various property regimes and whether or not spouses-to-be should consider an Antenuptial Contract. See our November 2021 Newsletter.

Part 2 will briefly touch on the various (sometimes confusing) legislation relating to marriages in South Africa.

Part 3 will focus on a slightly more detailed understanding of the various matrimonial property regimes; and 

Part 4 will consider some aspects regarding the validity of marriages, when foreigners get married in South Africa, or when South Africans get married abroad.

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Grondeienaars: Jou belastings kan vervierdubbel vir ongemagtigde grondgebruik  

As grondeienaar is een van jou herhalende uitgawes die maandelikse belastings wat die plaaslike munisipaliteit op jou eiendom hef. Jy voel dalk dat jou belastingrekening reeds hoog is. Dit kan egter baie erger word indien jy jou eiendom vir iets onwettig of ongemagtig gebruik. Die munisipaliteit is dan by magte om jou eiendom teen ‘n “boetekoers” te belas.

Ons kyk na 'n geval waar grondeienaars van Johannesburg 'n viervoudige belastingrekening ontvang het, nadat hulle twee kamers in hul huis sonder munisipale goedkeuring aan studente uitverhuur het. Die Hoogste Hof van Appèl het hierdie verhoging bekragtig. Hoewel elke munisipaliteit sy eie tariewe en beleide oor grondgebruik sal hê, is die beginsel dieselfde – onregmatige grondgebruik sal jou duur te staan kom!
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Workplace Harassment: The New Code in a Nutshell

All employers and employees need to know of the new “Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the Workplace” which came into effect during March.

We discuss who the Code applies to, when and where it applies, and what you as an employer have to do about it now.  

We address also (with lists and tables of examples) what is meant by the terms “harassment”, “sexual harassment” and “racial, ethnic or social origin harassment” – with a final suggestion that if you think something might amount to workplace harassment, it almost certainly is!

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Laat meer as bates aan jou geliefdes na – los vir hulle 'n nalatenskap.  

Dit is ons almal se wens om behoorllik na ons geliefdes om te sien na ons afsterwe.

Die formulering van 'n boedelplan is die beste manier om hiervoor voorsiening te maak.

Die eerste prys sal altyd 'n plan wees wat meer as net die praktiese en die finansiële aspekte aanspreek - een wat iets meer persoonlik nalaat, iets van jouself.

Wanneer ons met ons eie sterflikheid gekonfronteer word, is dit ‘n natuurlike reaksie om dit eerder te wil uitstel. Dit hoef egter nie 'n intimiderende proses te wees nie. Onthou niemand kan bekostig om uit te stel wanneer dit by die voorsiening en versorging van jou familie kom nie. Ons deel drie eenvoudige stappe om te verseker dat jy nie net bates nalaat nie, maar ook 'n blywende en waardevolle nalatenskap ...
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Beware The Badly Worded Bond Clause!

Whether buying or selling a property you are no doubt dealing with a high-value asset, and a reminder to have your sale agreement professionally drawn or checked, before you sign anything, comes from a recent High Court decision.

A seller with cold feet was unable to escape from an unfavourable sale agreement even after the buyer had failed to obtain a bond four years down the line.

The problem was the particular wording of the “bond clause”. That’s a clause that has tripped up many a seller and many a buyer in the past, and we analyse why things went badly for the seller (and well for the buyer) in this matter.

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Webwerf van die Maand: Drie dinge wat produktiewe mense elke dag doen  

‘n Gesonde fokus op produktiwiteit is ‘n hoeksteen van sukses in beide ons persoonlike en professionele lewens.

Ons hoor gereeld ons moet nou meer gedoen kry in minder tyd. Maar hoe moet ons prakties te werk gaan? Ons uitdaging in hierdie Aanlyn-Era is dat ons gereeld met produktiwiteitswenke van alle vorme oorweldig word. Hoe kan ons by die kern van produktiwiteit uitkom en bepaal wat vir ons situasie gaan werk, en wat nie?

Vir 'n bondige opsomming van drie beproefde idees oor hoe om die kernbeginsels te bepaal, sien die artikel "3 Things the Most Productive People Do Every Day " op Barking Up the Wrong Tree se webwerf.

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