Vaccines in Today's World
We live in a globalised world. It’s therefore important for us to be aware of what’s happening around us in other countries, so we know what to do when something similar shows up at our doorstep, like mandatory COVID-19 vaccines. Recently, Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, backtracked on comments made, which caused quite a stir. He initially said that he planned to get about 95% of the country vaccinated and to make coronavirus vaccinations (which will probably be available in 2021) as mandatory as possible.
The South Australian Parliament, on the other hand, passed Legislation underpinning their No Jab No Play policy which requires children up to the age of six years to be fully vaccinated or they won’t be admitted to pre-school, child care centres, kindergarten or other early learning services from 7 August 2020. Could your child be taken away from you by social services if you refuse to have your child vaccinated?
Then there’s of course a new Bill in the state of Victoria, which will make vaccinations mandatory for healthcare workers including doctors, nurses, dentists, cleaners, receptionists, aged care workers and paramedics. Many Australians are not happy with these forced vaccines and are planning to challenge it in court. Unfortunately, it is said that those opposed to forced vaccines have gone underground due to victimisation, name calling, intolerance and the removal of posts from various online platforms.
In South Africa, the Western Cape Province is said to have the highest recovery rate of more than 90% for COVID-19. Nationally the recovery rate is between 75 - 80%. South Africa therefore has the highest COVID-19 recovery rate in the world. It is said that the reason for the high recovery rate is because South Africa has a policy of immunising children from birth which caused them to build up antibodies which is effective against viruses. This could be one of the reasons why clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines have started in South Africa.
A clinical trial for a Corona virus vaccine called Ox1Cov-19 Vaccine VIDA started in June 2020. Two other corona virus vaccines will be tested on South Africans in September 2020. They are a Johnson & Johnson vaccine called Ad26.COV2-S and a Novavax vaccine (funded by Bill Gates) called NVX-CoV2373. Up to 12 000 volunteers are expected to participate in these clinical trials. South Africans took to social media wanting to know why our government allows people to be used as guinea pigs for US vaccines. An online article published by the Daily Maverick in August 2020 quotes Dr Glenda Gray, president and CEO of the South African Medical Research Council as saying that “a positive spin-off of participating in trials in South Africa is that it will be easier to negotiate for access to a successful Covid-19 vaccine for citizens once it is registered through the manufacturing companies or financing schemes at a global level. It is also important to see how South Africans respond to the vaccine…We are hoping for an efficacy rate of above 50%. That would be good and above 75% would be great."
Over the years there have been claims, however, that vaccines caused death and injuries such as anaphylaxis, auto-immune issues, encephalitis, autism, eczema, food allergies, ovarian tumour, premature menopause, seizures and SIDS (sudden death syndrome). Despite paying out more than $4 billion to people who claim to have been harmed by vaccines over the past 3 decades, the head of the US Vaccine Injury Compensation (VIC) Program and others claim that vaccines are safe.
What’s interesting is that in the United States private pharmaceutical companies have a unique arrangement with the US government. Those who manufacture vaccines are indemnified by the US government from lawsuits. The justification for this is that if the government restricts individual rights for the collective good then the government should assume responsibility for the consequences. But why do these companies need indemnity for creating vaccines if they are confident in the safety of their products? Developing countries don’t have such programmes and the only compensation for people injured by vaccines is to claim it from the manufacturer through the courts. Such claims are difficult to prove.
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent calls to introduce universal healthcare coverage and a National Health Insurance (NHI) system in South Africa have been criticised by members of the public. Where is the money going to come from to pay for it? About 5% of South Africans are already paying for social assistance given to 90% of South Africans leaving many with no money for savings or investments. It is clear that South Africans don’t need mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, because as pointed out we have the highest recovery rate in the world. If it does become mandatory in the future, how are South Africans going to pay for these vaccines when more than 40% are unemployed or is the plan to have the NHI pay for it?
Should COVID-19 vaccines become mandatory in South Africa in the future one of the best ways to challenge it in court would probably be to raise a concern about the possible harmful content of the vaccines itself and a call on Pharmaceutical companies to reveal the content of these vaccines, the side effects thereof and the harm it could cause people.
Whatever your view is on vaccines…respect, tolerance and allowing others to voice opposing views freely without victimisation or being demonised creates a healthy and happy society…naturally.
Groete / Regards
Hennie, Eberhard & Cheryl-Anne
Direkteure | Directors