Vaal Triangle Insurance |
April 2021
Fire Prevention Is Better Than Cure
Fire is one of the most devastating causes of loss or damage to a home as not only can it destroy it in a matter of minutes, but the resultant hassle for you of having to live in a temporary residence while the site is cleaned up and structural damage is repaired can be both frustrating and costly.
Most people do not realize that they may have multiple fire risks present in their homes. Below are some useful tips to make you aware of the potential fire hazards lying around.
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What Should You Do When Markets are Manic?
There has been a lot of strange activity on stock markets recently. Not only are local and international indexes hitting record highs despite the global pandemic, but we have seen remarkable behaviour in stocks like Tesla and GameStop.
If you are watching all of this on a daily basis, it can feel a bit manic. So, what should an investor do in this kind of environment?
In this article, we discuss whether another market crash is coming, and what you should be doing about it.
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Four Simple Suggestions to Help Your Adult Children on Their Investment Journey
Our children and grandchildren benefit from our experience in all sorts of ways. If we love cooking, for example, we may share that with them, or we might teach them to play sport or appreciate nature.
But how much time do we spend talking to them about the importance of finding the right kind of help in managing their finances?
Often, this is something that is overlooked when they are growing up. But as young adults, they can still benefit from our experience.
Read on for suggestions on how to help your children and grandchildren get the right kind of financial advice.
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In Times of Great Change, Make Sure Your Will is Updated!
It’s a depressing thought, but a reality we have to live with - none of us can ever be sure when we are going to die. That’s why even in the best of times having a valid and fully updated Last Will and Testament in place is essential to ensure that your loved ones are properly catered for when you are gone. And these of course are if anything the very worst of times, with uncertainty and the risk of deadly infection lurking around every corner.
Take a moment therefore to consider whether your will needs updating in any respect. To help you, we list nine “trigger events” to watch for. Read the list, think about whether any updates are called for, and if so have a look at our end piece “How to update your will”.
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Quote of the Month – Do You Understand Your Financial Personality?
Nic Andrew – MD of Nedgroup Investments:
“Just as each of us have different personalities, that influence how we interact, see the world and are seen, we also each have different financial personalities. These are influenced by our upbringing, our education, our experiences, our current circumstances and our world view. Each of us has different levels of composure, confidence, impulsivity, desire for guidance, propensity to compare to others and level of comfort with our current and future financial situations.
Being truthful to ourselves and understanding our own financial personality is an important first step in identifying potential pitfalls to our financial success. We can then progress to identifying practical steps to address these pitfalls and leverage our strengths.”
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