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Huysamen Westraad Incorporated April 2023
Why (and How) to Submit Skills Development Reports by 30 April

While many companies pay the Skills Development Levy (SDL) that amounts to 1% of total payroll each month, not all companies are taking advantage of the incentives that allow as much as 70% of the paid levies to be claimed back by meeting certain requirements and submitting the required annual reports by the 30 April deadline. 

Not claiming back the levies paid results not only in forfeiting of the monies recoverable but also in missing out on other benefits. In this article, we look at what and how much can be claimed, the other benefits that can be unlocked, as well as how to claim in the most efficient way, which may require relying on professional assistance. 

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5 Business Plan Mistakes to Avoid  
UDZ Tax Incentive Extended: Could Your Business Benefit?  
Tips for Generating Customer Trust as a Start Up  

Most people who start a business know that they need a business plan – a guide to starting and managing the business to ensure success. Business plans detail all the elements that go into building the business so they are a crucial way to get off on the right foot. 

While the reality of your business will often force changes in your business plan, there are still numerous errors made during this planning stage that can irreparably harm your business and ensure you have a much tougher time than usual getting going. Surprisingly, some of them are very common. Here are five quick tips for mistakes to avoid when writing your business plan.


In the recent 2023 Budget, it was announced that the urban development zone (UDZ) tax incentive will be extended by a further two years until the end of March 2025. The incentive creates beneficial tax allowances for property investments in certain central business districts of South Africa’s major cities. 

While not every local business may be able to benefit from this tax incentive programme, those that do qualify will find it can reduce taxable income by millions and - because it is not limited to the taxpayer’s taxable income - even create an assessed loss. Find out here what this tax incentive entails, where it applies, and whether your business could benefit from it before it expires in 24 months. 


New companies are launching every day. They each have hopes of one day becoming large brands, but the first step is cutting through the clutter, attracting customers and making their first sales. But how do you get customers to trust you when you may never have sold a single product? Why should these customers visit your site, or buy your things when they know absolutely nothing about you or your ability to offer after sales follow ups? 

Giving your customers belief in your business before you have even made a single sale, or won a single pitch is one of the most crucial steps in building a company. Here are a few tips on how to make it happen.

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Your Tax Deadlines for April 2023
  • 1 April – Start of the 2022/23 Financial Year

  • 6 April - Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments

  • 26 April - Excise Duty payments

  • 28 April - Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments & CIT Provisional payments where applicable.
  Physical Address:

Manor House, Farm 3
Vineyards Office Estate 
99 Jip de Jager Drive 
Bellville, 7530 
Postal Address:

P.O. Box 1950 Bellville

Contact Details:

Tel: 021 945 1009
Fax: 021 946 4086



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